A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts

The Swedish Police report on the sexual charges against WikiLeak founder Julian Assange have been leaked to the New York Times.
10 Truths Every “Progressive” Had Better Learn for 2012 and Beyond

Albert Einstein once defined “insanity” as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” He also said, “Man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.” I think everyone will agree that Einstein was a smart guy about most things, not just relativity. It is in that vein that I pose some simple questions for left wingers. (A special reposting of Milt Shook’s recent article from Please Cut the Crap!)
We’ll Have To Science That
The December issue Scientific American is out and it covers some world changing ideas among many other issues. As one leafs through the issue, a reader could easily skip From the Editor, but this month’s column is interesting. Two items that Editor in Chief Mariette DiChristina brings up are what are we doing about global […]
From the Party of No to the Party of No Plans
From Oompa-Loompa Land to front and center, how will Washington’s new Boehner react.
How To Save the Delaware GOP
Having no enemy is not a good thing and not having the Delaware GOP is not a good thing for Delaware Democrats. So, how do we save the DE GOP? But, what is the problem? Their bench is a bit shallow, but really, there are some good Republican people in Delaware, so this isn’t really […]
Jesus Comments on Christine O’Donnell

Jesus M. Christ gives us his two cents regarding Christine O’Donnell and masturbation.
The 30,000
Yesterday, Christine O’Donnell garnered 30,561 votes compared to Mike Castle’s 27,021. Let’s put that in perspective. In the 2008 Primary, both . . . BOTH . . . Democrats Markell and Carney picked up more than 30,000 votes: 37,849 to 36,112. Coons, in his run against Gordon, received 31,405 votes. Here’s one that will make […]
Is Christine O’Donnell Gay?

Tea baggers are questioning Mike Castle’s sexuality. So, I pose this question, “Is Christine O’Donnell gay?”
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