
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Hillary camp threatens nuclear option

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 5, 2008 39 Comments

Okay, a part of me dismissed this threat as bluster, and I ignored it yesterday. But then, today, the Clinton campaign added fuel to the fire… “There is no secret plan…. The Clinton campaign has been vocal in stating that the votes of 2.5 million people must be respected. Hardly a day goes by when […]

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I saved $23.92

Filed in National by on May 3, 2008 8 Comments

How much would the lifting the gas tax benefit you? Editor’s Note: I’m donating my $14.57 Link to Delaware Liberal’s Act Blue Page For Obama

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Filed in National by on May 3, 2008 6 Comments

What’s absurd is Clinton’s spin and the way the MSM regurgitates her double standard all over the airways. It is absurd, aides say, to think that Clinton can overcome Obama’s built-in advantages there, and it sets unfair expectations on her when the possibility of a Clinton victory is broached. It’s a fair point, but possibly […]

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I Needed This

Filed in National by on May 2, 2008 3 Comments

During the last six weeks of this campaign I have found myself off message. I have spent more time on flag pins and Hillary’s “popular vote” myth than on my candidate and his issues. This video is like a shot in the arm… And a reminder of how we arrived here.

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Foxy? Or not?

Filed in National by on April 28, 2008 33 Comments

There’s been a debate raging (on kos and move on) on whether Obama should have given Fox News an interview. As much as I can’t stand watching Fox, I think this was a smart move because: 1. He reached an untapped audience that up until now has seen more of Rev. Wright than the person […]

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Gen-Irrational Gap

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 26, 2008 9 Comments

My family, like many families, has split along generational lines during this primary season. My brother and I support Obama. Mom and Dad are in Hillary’s camp. However, to be fair, Mom is staying neutral by saying that she likes both candidates. My brother has the luxury of living in California, and, therefore, has not […]

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Republicans love Hillary. They won’t vote for her, but they love her

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 24, 2008 55 Comments

Is it a coincidence that republican/conservative bloggers on DL, and elsewhere, keep pumping up Hillary Clinton’s candidacy? I think not. Obama is not only running against both Clintons, he’s running against the GOP as well. Hillary supporters pay attention. The dark side loves you. The reason they haven’t attacked you has nothing to do with […]

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Hillary is winning IF…

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 23, 2008 37 Comments

Hillary is winning… IF… The popular vote includes MI and FL IF… The popular vote does not give Obama any votes in MI IF… We don’t count caucus states IF… We don’t count red states IF… We don’t count small states IF… We only ran our primary like Republicans IF… We considered the Electoral College […]

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Matthews makes a point, indicts himself?

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 23, 2008 17 Comments
Matthews makes a point, indicts himself?

The man who has been one of the driving forces in the never-ending Democratic Primary, now says… The Media created “delusion” that Hillary can win. Ya think? h/t atrios

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Will PA even matter?

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 22, 2008 14 Comments

Okay, if Obama wins the primary is over. Having said that I have trouble envisioning another game-ending scenario. Having lived through Iowa, Super Tuesday, the Chesapeake Primary, etc, I have no reason to believe that today will be any different. What I do know is that if Hillary wins – like I think she will […]

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Stand by your man… 2008 style

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 20, 2008 53 Comments

After the ABC “debate” and the outcry that ensued something dawned on me. We didn’t focus on bitter-gate. We didn’t argue the “merits” of flag pins. We didn’t try and educate the population on the history of the black church. Frankly, we didn’t behave in typical Dem fashion. We stood by our candidate and made […]

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What a big baby

Filed in National by on April 18, 2008 9 Comments

Rachel Maddow bitch slapped Joe Scarborough last night, and being the man that he is, Scarborough throws a tantrum and walks off. Maddow rocks!

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Pandora’s Prediction

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 17, 2008 17 Comments

I predict that last night’s debate ends up helping Obama in the polls. I base this prediction on Hillary’s win in New Hampshire, the Rev. Wright controversy, and bitter-gate. Any takers?

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