
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words

Filed in Delaware by on November 5, 2010 18 Comments
A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words

Too, too funny!   Thanks, Mr. Knuckles, for the picture and the text!  I find that this picture from Return Day sums up the whole Senate campaign in DE. The self congratulatory look on O’Donnell’s face (voice in her head = “I have the upper hand”). Chris Coons calmly assessing the situation (voice in head […]

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There’s Trouble In River City

Filed in National by on November 5, 2010 6 Comments

As depressing as Tuesday’s election was, there is a silver lining.   The Republicans will now have to deal with their newly elected Tea Partiers.  It looks like they’re off to a bad start. But GOP Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, the soon-to-be-ranking member of the House’s education and labor committee, dismissed talk that the new […]

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“Republican Cannibalism”

Filed in Delaware by on November 3, 2010 19 Comments

So much for personal responsibility.  Honestly, is anything ever her fault – even partly her part?  The video below is an embarrassment. Here’s the truth:  The Tea Party gave the senate to the Dems.  Not that they’d ever admit it.  In fact, after blaming everyone else they’ll start crying that they need to be more […]

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Election Night Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 2, 2010 99 Comments

DD has specific threads below.  Use this one for everything else. For instance, Rachel Maddow keeps exposing Chris Matthews’ foolish, tired punditry.  Tweety is not happy with Ms. Maddow.  Personally, Matthews reminds me of that crazy, old uncle that talks too loudly at Thanksgiving dinner, saying a whole lotta nothing.  He should seriously consider retirement. […]

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Happy Halloween!

Filed in Delaware by on October 31, 2010 14 Comments

Here’s one of my favorite songs for one of my favorite holidays! What are your plans for tonight?  We’re in teenage land, so tonight will begin with trick-or-treating, followed by watching scary movies and end with 7 thirteen year old girls spending the night.  BOO!

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Another Incident Of Violence

Filed in National by on October 28, 2010 19 Comments

Is this really the path we’re on? A 72-year-old man was arrested for allegedly assaulting a 23-year-old activist protesting Dino Rossi’s Republican campaign for Senate in Washington state yesterday, according to local reports. The incident occured outside GOP headquarters in Walla Walla County where the demonstrator, Christie Stordeur, was “one of five protesters standing about […]

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Filed in Delaware by on October 27, 2010 33 Comments

Occasionally, I pop over to Delaware Politics.  There’s nothing like a big dose of crazy to keep a person focused, and FVoshell’s latest piece, aptly titled Us and Them, brings on a whole new level of crazy.  It’s not just that she’s wrong – she is – it’s that she’s based her entire post on […]

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I Am Sick To Death Of Christine O’Donnell

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2010 14 Comments

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. Please continue with your regularly scheduled blogging.

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Another Reason To Vote

Filed in National by on October 20, 2010 24 Comments

As the mother of a teenager daughter I’m always keeping my eye on family planning issues, so Colorado’s Amendment 62 caught my attention. Personhood Colorado’s website acknowledges that Amendment 62 would ban all abortions, without exceptions for rape, incest or to save a mother’s life. It also would ban stem cell research and birth control […]

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O’Donnell and Urquhart – Birds Of A Feather

Filed in Delaware by on October 19, 2010 4 Comments

What is it about these two and their fixation on the phrase separation of Church and State? Today Christine actually made a debate audience gasp. And who can ever forget Glenn’s stellar performance… That video never gets old, and I’m thrilled Carney is using it. There really isn’t a difference between Glenn and Christine, and […]

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A Reminder…

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 9, 2010 1 Comment

In case you’ve forgotten…  Steve Benen and Bill Simmon make a video. VOTE!

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FYI: Glenn Urquhart On Al Mascitti Show

Filed in Delaware by on October 7, 2010 15 Comments

Tune into WDEL at 10:00 a.m. to listen to Al interview Glenn Urquhart. Should be interesting!

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Carney – Urquhart Debate Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2010 68 Comments

If you’re watching the debate (C-SPAN) let us know what you think. Should be good since Urquhart just refused to say he was associated with the Tea Party. Hmm… is someone running away from his base and O’Donnell?

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