Open Thread

Wednesday Open Thread [3.28.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 28, 2012 14 Comments

69 percent want out of Afghanistan now.

The new low represents the crossing of a certain psychological and cultural threshold. It means the Afghanistan war is now at least as unpopular as the Iraq war was at the height of public ire. In fact, by some measures, the war to beat the Taliban — the guys who gave safe harbor to the 9/11 terrorists — is now more unpopular than the one to get rid of Saddam and his alleged stockpiles of WMDs.

Mr. President, speed up that timetable.

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Tuesday Open Thread [3.27.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 27, 2012 32 Comments

We are in a polling drop off. The Republican Primary is ongoing, but with Romney the presumptive nominee, not many polling outfits are spending the money on the remaining primaries. The big remaining primary contests, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, will get polled as the dates of those primaries gets closer.

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Monday Open Thread [3.26.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 26, 2012 19 Comments

Today begins the Supreme Court’s nearly unprecedented three days of oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Given Commerce Clause precedent and caselaw going back to at least the mid 1930’s, the Obamacare law should be upheld as constitutional. But you never know with conservative activist judges.

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Friday Open Thread [3.23.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 23, 2012 4 Comments

Since I was MIA yesterday, we have lots and lots of polling goodness inside today. In Connecticut, both Democrats and Republican agree that failed 2010 candidate Linda McMahon should be the Republican nominee for Lieberman’s seat. See why inside.

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Thursday Open Thread [3.22.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 22, 2012 0 Comments

I am traveling today, so hopefully my wonderful colleagues will provide you with some Open Thread goodness. Or you can provide it in the comments. See you tomorrow!

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Wednesday Open Thread [3.21.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 21, 2012 22 Comments

Mitt Romney is your nominee. Or then again maybe not. The sound of the celebrations of the Republcan side is …. is….. deafeningly quiet. I would more describe it as a half interested groan. Even though Mitt Romney has no real meaningful opposition, he may still fail to capture a majority of the delegates until June, unless of course Santorum and Gingrich drop out and endorse Romney now, and that is not going to happen. So given that, I would have to say Mitt Romney is the weakest presidential nominee on the Republican side since Wendell Wilkie.

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Tuesday Open Thread [3.20.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 20, 2012 22 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [3.20.12]

From Chuck Todd:

The earliest Mitt Romney could win the 1,144 delegates needed to capture the GOP nomination, per our count is May 29, and that’s assuming he wins every single delegate after today. If you assume that he wins a 60%-40% split of the remaining the delegates, Romney won’t get to 1,144 until June 26, when Utah holds its primary. And if Romney and Rick Santorum continue to trade victories as they’ve been doing over the past month — with Santorum winning his demographic strongholds and Romney winning his — Romney would fall about 50 delegates short of the magic number, according to our math.

OPEN CONVENTION!!! SARAH PALIN COMPROMISE NOMINATION!!! No, no, God does not love me that much

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Monday Open Thread [3.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 19, 2012 6 Comments

Romney looks to be heading to a significant win in Illinois, which makes me wonder why the hell Rick Santorum wasted time in Puerto Rico sunning himself. That time lounging may have been better spent campaigning in deep red sections of downstate Illinois.

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Sunday Open Thread [3.18.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 18, 2012 6 Comments

Governor Markell was on CNBC again this past Thursday. Here is part of his appearance.

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St. Patrick’s Day Open Thread [3.17.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 17, 2012 6 Comments

Here are some polling numbers for this Green Saturday. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.

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Friday Open Thread [3.16.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 16, 2012 17 Comments

A new Gallup Poll finds just 35% of Republicans say they would vote “enthusiastically” for either Mitt Romney if he wins the GOP nomination. Just 34% were enthusiastic about voting for Rick Santorum and only 28% were enthusiastic for Newt Gingrich.

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Thursday Open Thread [3.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 15, 2012 0 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [3.15.12]

“What should really give Republicans sleepless nights (if the numbers hold) is the demographic groups currently supporting Obama. In the Pew poll, Obama outperforms Romney by 20 points among all women, and by 31 points among women aged 19-49. He outperforms Romney by 28 points among young people 18-29 years old and ties him among people 65 and older. And he outperforms Romney in every region of the country and among every income group.” — Charles Blow

Oh, and Mike Matthews is back.

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Wednesday Open Thread [3.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 14, 2012 4 Comments

Shockingly, there are no new primary or general election polls to parse today. To feed the polling addition, here some new Presidential approval polls, which tend to show the CBS poll was an outlier. Also check out this op-ed in the New York Times from an Executive from Goldman Sachs who is burning bridges while resigning.

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