Open Thread

DL Open Thread: Monday, December 7, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 7, 2020 10 Comments

Delaware Day And Pearl Harbor Day.  Coincidence? Your thoughts. Biden Names Cali AG Xavier Becerra To Lead HHS.  I’m surprised.  Thought he might be nominated for AG.  Well, let’s see.  He has publicly supported single-payer.  He has effectively litigated on behalf of expanded access to health care.  Let’s not forget the political factors at play:  […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, December 6, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 6, 2020 6 Comments

Trump Pushes Kemp To Overturn Election Results.  It’s probably illegal, like so many other steps he’s taken.  Nothing ever happens, though. Congress Set To Bar Unidentified Federal Agents From Policing Protests.  As part of the defense funding bill.  One small step back from authoritarianism. Little Government Leadership On Vaccine Prioritization.  Even states are deferring to […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, December 5, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 5, 2020 1 Comment

Pentagon Denies Biden Team Access To Spy Agencies.  Uh, why? Why is Trump still firing Pentagon officials? And why is he finding spots for the likes of Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie? Trump Campaign Lavished Spending On Trump Properties At End Of Campaign. And $300K On Junior’s Book. How The Well-Connected Are Destroying Hawaii’s Beaches.  […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, December 4, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 4, 2020 7 Comments

Yet Another Sallies’ Priest Busted.  At what point do we look at this as not a series of isolated incidents, but view the school that they all have in common as a cesspool of pedophilia? I mean, this guy was the school principal, for, um, Christ’s sake. Louie Freeh’s law firm has rushed in to whitewash this […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, December 3, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 3, 2020 6 Comments

Our Insane President’s 46-Minute Rant.  Why is his obvious mental unfitness so rarely mentioned? Pardoned Michael Flynn calls for Trump to declare martial law.  Trump is pissed off at, wait for it,  William Barr, may fire him. 2596 Stock Trades. Sen. Perdue’s one-term record.  Many of which he had inside knowledge.  This corruption is blatant. […]

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DL Open Thread: Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 2, 2020 17 Comments

Barr Appoints ‘Special Counsel’ To Investigate Russia Probe.  Designed by Barr to continue during Biden’s term.  Utterly pathetic.  Apparently designed to mollify Trump. Pardons ‘R Us:  Rudy wants one, Trump’s kids might get them.  Someone offered to pay Trump for one.  Justice Department is covering it up. This Georgia Shit Has Gotten Real. ‘Someone is […]

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 1, 2020 1 Comment

Trump Raises $150 Mill To Fight Phony Election Fraud Claims.  You read that right. The trend continues: Trump never spends a penny of his own money on anything: Much of the money raised since the election is likely to go into an account for the president to use on political activities after he leaves office, […]

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DL Open Thread: Monday, November 30, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 30, 2020 11 Comments

Biden’s All-Female WH Communications Team: Not a Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Kayleigh McEnany in the bunch. Not to mention Sean Spicer, who does not deserve mention.  Also, some encouraging nominees for his economics team, with one contentious pick. Between 800-900,000 Absentee Ballots Requested For Georgia Runoff Election.  With more to come.  Y’know, the Election Day […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 29, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 29, 2020 4 Comments

’20 Days Of Fantasy And Failure’.  Inside Trump’s quest to overthrow the election.  Great stuff for political junkies. Trump Considers Announcing 2024 Run–During Biden’s Inaugural. I hope he does it.  I hear that Four Seasons Landscaping will be having a sale on snow blowers.  That’d be a nice visual.  Kids, he’s gonna be in so […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 28, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 28, 2020 2 Comments

Trump’s Last-Ditch Move To Destroy The Civil Service.  This could mean hundreds of firings the day before Biden takes office because…the career employees weren’t loyal to Trump.  He is Evil Incarnate. Well, I Guess It Made His Hands Look Larger.  The downsizing of the Presidency. $3 Mill Well-Spent.  Trump-funded recount in Milwaukee widens Biden’s margin […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, November 27, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 27, 2020 5 Comments
DL Open Thread: Friday, November 27, 2020

‘LOSER’.  The epithet that Trump uses all the time, and is terrified of being labeled as. Loeffler And Perdue Engaged In High-Wire Act In Georgia. Trump’s claims of fraud have the two candidates in an uncomfortable position. Pro-Trump Group Sued For Not Finding Any Voter Fraud.  By a guy who gave them $2.5 mill to […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 26, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 26, 2020 2 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving everybody.  Stay safe. Hang in there. Help is on the way. Supreme Court Gives OK For Spread Of Virus At Religious Services.  Amy Coney Barrett the decisive vote in the 5-4 decision: The larger question in the two cases was whether government officials or judges should strike the balance between public health and […]

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DL Open Thread: Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 25, 2020 7 Comments

‘A Team Of Careerists’.  Yes, it probably could have been worse. Sure could have been better, though.  We’ve got one torture defender among the nominees.  Progressives are holding their fire for now.  It’s looking more and more like a ‘Third Way’ cabinet.  In his determination to avoid any confirmation battles, Biden appears to be choosing […]

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