Tag: Sarah Palin

Bestseller in the Making!

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 7 Comments

From an email correspondent: Gov. Palin is reported to have signed a contract to write a book about her life, including her experiences as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate last year. In recent efforts to rehabilitate her image, she has talked about her love of reading and mentioned that one of her favorite authors is […]

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Some Alaska News

Filed in National by on April 19, 2009 1 Comment

The liberal blogger’s favorite governor, Sarah Palin, has been having some tough times. Alaska Real (and every other Alaskan blogger) writes that Palin’s pick for Alaska’s Attorney General has been nixed by a 35 to 23 vote. All democrats and many republicans voted against Ross, and many cited his strange statement recently that lawmakers shouldn’t […]

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Thursday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on April 9, 2009 7 Comments
Thursday’s Open Thread

As I get ready to visit an old rat whose fondness of children is too Jacksonesque for my taste and his friend, a mumbling duck who is a bit too comfortable with his sexuality, I present to you Thursday’s Open Thread. In case you didn’t stop by Delaware Liberal yesterday, you missed us taking down […]

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Republicans want more Palin

Filed in National by on February 2, 2009 14 Comments
Republicans want more Palin

I’m not kidding.  A new Rasmussen Poll has surveyed Republicans and this is what they’ve discovered: Coming off a shellacking at the polls in November, the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years, and 55% think it should become more like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin […]

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While Alaska Freezes, Palin Plays The Fiddle

Filed in National by on January 15, 2009 2 Comments

Sara Plain and Simple is a bigger news whore than Paris Hilton ever was. There’s been much Sarah-gazing lately (most of which has been generated by Palin herself), all of which is eerily similar to the Britney Spears suicide watch we were on a year or so ago. Go to I Eat Gravel to get […]

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Chavez Keeps On Giving It To Palin

Filed in National by on January 8, 2009 5 Comments

I Eat Gravel reports that Hugo Chavez has personally stepped in and Venezuela will continue supplying home heating oil to poor Americans.

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Hugo Chavez Has Been Oiling Up Sarah Palin

Filed in National by on January 6, 2009 9 Comments

Our friend Elwood Foreclift over at I Eat Gravel (Alaska) asks a serious question, “Without Hugo Chavez, how will rural Alaskans survive?”

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Another Breath, Another Lie

Filed in National by on December 29, 2008 5 Comments

It’s the liberal blogger’s equivalent of shooting moose from an airplane. The Mudflats is all over Palin like a Republican politician on male prostitute. Today’s edition harkens back to Gov. Palin’s interview with the conservate blog Human Events. And this is a story that RSmitty will enjoy — it’s all about the weather. Veteran Republican political […]

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How Dumb is Sarah Palin?

Filed in National by on December 28, 2008 19 Comments

Okay, it’s the liberal blogging equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel, but Gov. Palin just extended Christmas a wee bit. Special thanks to the folks at The Mudflats for finding this gem. The interview with Gov. Pain took place over at Human Events. GIZZI: You made it clear in our interviews earlier this year […]

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I’m sensing a consensus

Filed in National by on November 13, 2008 11 Comments

Watch this video.  Not everyone shares Sarah Palin’s vision of Sarah Palin’s future. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE3gTWQeDxM[/youtube] Is it just me, or are Republican Governors so over her?  Talk about dodging a question!  Bet these guys just ended up on Ted Nugent’s hit list. Snark aside, could we please have more of this?  Republicans, please, go get those torches […]

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Wasilla Hillbillies Looting Neiman Marcus

Filed in National by on November 5, 2008 6 Comments

Great article in Newsweek. They talk about a fairly extensive hacker problem that plagued both the McCain and Obama campaigns which is pretty sobering. But this is too good to pass up: NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin’s shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain’s […]

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Sarah Palin’s Staff is DUMB!

Filed in National by on November 3, 2008 10 Comments

I’m not talking about Todd here. Sarah Palin falls for a fake call from the President of France. The world is over.

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New Yorker Debunks Socialism Charge

Filed in National by on October 28, 2008 7 Comments

Over at The New Yorker, Herdrik Herzberg lays out the socialism argument in all of its glory and they shows us that there isn’t much difference between McCain2000 and Obama2008 on that front.  Oh and the real socialist candidate is Sarah Palin. Let me forewarn Dominique, the author uses the word cudgel.  For Dominiques’ convenience, […]

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