Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Federal Judge Rules DADT Unconstitutional
A federal judge has ruled that DADT violates the 1st amendment rights of LGBT Americans and does nothing for military readiness.
O’Donnell Lands The Mama Grizzly
Sarah Palin endorsed Christine O’Donnell on Sean Hannity’s radio show.
Mike Castle Has A Short Memory
Mike Castle criticizes Mike Castle for voting for 2011 tax increases. Oh wait, it’s all Obama’s fault.
Any Idea Why This Is Important?
Bill Lee endorsed Mike Castle for U.S. Senate. Apparently this is very important to the news media.
Velda Jones-Potter Defends Her Record
Yesterday’s News Journal published an op-ed by Velda Jones-Potter defending her record.
Does Castle Understand The Tea Party?
Mike Castle doesn’t understand the Tea Party. I’m not sure whether we should laugh or cry.
New Rasmussen Poll – Little Change In Senate Race
Castle leads Coons 48-37 and Coons leads O’Donnell 47-36, virtually no change from the last Rasmussen poll.
Who’s Contacting Me? – Special UI Edition

I give a public service to candidates regarding lawn signs. Remember, my advice is worth as much as you paid for it.
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